User's Manual

4-23 KLA-Tencor Confidential Using the SensArray Tools
review trend information for a specific chamber, to ensure the chamber remains within spec
over time. SPC Charting requires a template for the recipe to be analyzed. If an appropriate
template is not available, refer to the
Identifying Data to Be Analyzed Using a Template - Step 1
- Create a Template
NOTE: If the Warning dialog box, “Some missions could not be matched to template and were
removed from analysis,” opens when running SPC Charting, it means:
The mission does not resemble the reference template. Click the Show Mission
button in the Warning dialog box, to verify that the excluded missions do not match
the template.
Choose a better template as the reference.
Contact KLA Tencor SensArray, if neither of the above actions resolve the problem.
Match Analyzer
The Match Analyzer module allows the user to compare two or more chambers running the
same recipe. The data provided from this module allows the user to easily identify chambers
that have fallen out of spec. Match Analyzer requires a template for the recipe to be analyzed.
If an appropriate template is not available, refer to the
Identifying Data to Be Analyzed Using a
- Step 1 - Create a Template section.
Profile Comparison
The Profile Comparison module simultaneously displays line graphs and 2-D surface plots
for two or more missions. Profile comparison requires a template for the recipe to be analyzed.
If an appropriate template is not available, refer to the
Identifying Data to Be Analyzed Using a
- Step 1 - Create a Template section.
AutoCal - Temperature Optimization
The AutoCal module accurately measures, monitors, and calibrates the thermal dose in
the post-exposure bake (PEB) step of the lithography process. Ensuring uniform
temperature control across the wafer results in significant improvement in critical
dimension (CD) uniformity, thereby increasing wafer yield.
AutoCal includes Create Track and Create Litho Flow Wizards, to aid in setting up the
lithography fab.
See OnWafer Technologies, AutoCal 2.0, user documentation for further details.
AutoCD - Critical Dimension Optimization
Critical dimension measures transistor gate sizes on the wafer. The more uniform the
gate size, the higher the total wafer yield. The object is to counteract non-uniformity
resulting from previous production steps. In this case, it may not be a uniform
temperature across the wafer that maximizes the critical dimension, but a different
temperature on different parts of the wafer in subsequent production steps.
AutoCD automatically tunes the post-exposure bakeplate settings, to achieve the
desired critical dimension results on the wafer.
86-3820 Version-1.0 EtchTemp Wafer User Manual