User's Manual

4-29 KLA-Tencor Confidential Using the SensArray Tools
To check tagged data:
If any information is incorrect, click the < Back button and correct it.
2. If the data is correct, click the Finish button. The PlasmaSuite or LithoSuite window
NOTE: If there is a problem with the tagged data, a Warning dialog box opens, listing
the problem parameters, and the Launch Go/No-Go window pinpoints the out-of-
spec information. Correct the information before proceeding.
Backing Up and Restoring the SensArray Tools Database
On the PlasmaSuite window, click Tools on the menu bar. Select the Database
Manager option.
See release notes for the latest troubleshooting information. Release notes were copied to
C:\Program Files\KLA-Tencor SensArray\SensArray Tools\releasenotes.txt at the time of
software installation.
To report bugs or submit requests for additional functionality, send an email message to
Include the following information within the email message:
Description of the problem or request (be specific)
Exact wording of the error message(s) received and process steps that led to the error
If the error dialog box includes a Details button, include a text file of the text that
appears when the Details button is clicked
TIP: Copy the Details text to the Windows Clipboard, then save to a Microsoft Wordpad
Supporting files (for example, screen captures, mission data, and so forth)
Screen Captures. Press <ALT>+<Print Screen> to copy the Error dialog box to the
Windows Clipboard, then paste into Microsoft Paint and save as a
GIF or JPG file,
or into the same Microsoft Wordpad file that includes the message details.
Mission Data. To save mission data, use the File
Save As File… from the
Data Viewer window to export an
ODF file.
Your name, company, location, telephone number, and email address
Support staff will respond to the request as soon as possible.
Acquisition Time. Total mission time in seconds; the amount of time it takes a process (plasma recipe or litho flow)
to run.
AutoCal. Proprietary software program that automatically calibrates advanced bake plates.
AutoCD. Proprietary software program that directly optimizes the critical dimension for lithograph and photomask
Bake Plate. Device upon which the wafer is heated.
Bake process. Overall process of preheating hot plate surfaces to known temperatures, loading the wafer onto each
hot plate for a specific length of time for baking, cooling between each hot plate on a chill plate or chill paddle, and
promptly removing the wafer upon cycle completion.
86-3820 Version-1.0 EtchTemp Wafer User Manual