User's Manual

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Conventions Used in this Manual
Several standard conventions are used in the text of this manual to make the information
presented a little clearer and easier to understand. Every attempt is made to be consistent in the
application of these conventions.
Highlights important information.
Bold text indicates button names, icon names, and menu items.
Italic text indicates the section and/or chapter name in a cross-reference. For example:
See the Using the Acquisition Setup Window section of Chapter 3, Acquiring Data, for more
information. Italic text can also be used to emphasize a word or phrase.
Courier typeface indicates file names, directories, and text that you enter. For example:
The file is located in the C:\Sensarray\Configs directory.
A word offset by angle brackets indicates a key on the computer keyboard. For example:
After you specify the parameters, press the <Enter> key.
Indicates important safety information. The icon is usually associated with a Warning or
Caution in the document describing potential for product damage or personal injury.
Other international standard icons specific to a particular hazard or action may be used
in place of the exclamation mark.
86-3820 Version-1.0 EtchTemp Wafer User Manual