User's Guide

Table Of Contents
4 KLA - Confidential - Restricted Distribution KLA Automation User Guide
Reference Documentation
The following table specifies documents referenced in this manual.
Conventions Used in this Guide
Indicates danger to personnel.
Includes instructions needed to prevent any damage.
Indicates danger to Equipment.
Includes instructions needed to prevent any damage.
When either of the above symbols appear in this manual, follow the advice
given. Failure to do so may endanger yourself or others, and can result in
damage to the Equipment.
Indicates there is possibility for a failure.
Includes the instruction needed to prevent the failure.
Indicates there is additional information connected with the current subject.
Includes that information.
Special terms
Special terms (dialog box names, button names and any other unique term)
are in bold, as demonstrated in the example below:
File menu, Start button.
Hyperlinks to references in this document appear in blue (on screen).
Hyperlinks to web sites, or external documentation, are blue and underlined.
Document Number Title
9022547-000 CPG KLA Automation System Safety Manual
9022552-000 KLA Automation System GEM/SECS Reference Manual