User's Manual

I would like to take this time to clarify several points about high power that all of us already know but it’s
always good to have as a reminder. We use an amplifier because of the convenience of achieving better
range in long-distance communications and the ease of solid, clean operation at close range. Even though
we should only use the needed power to maintain communications, it’s easy to overlook the fact that our
shack may not be suitably prepared with a good grounding and antenna system.
Below I will give you some tips that I have found to be very useful to operate with high power:
It’s best not to use antennas with SWR greater than 3 even if you are using an antenna tuner.
Antennas must be located at a minimum distance of 25 feet from the radio shack.
Do not use chokes or ferrite clamps on the interconnect coax in your shack, or on the antenna output of
the amplifier.
Placing an RF choke at the feed point of the antenna avoids the local interference that comes with using
long wire antennas.
Have a good ground for the amplifier.
Place ferrite clamps on data or DC cables in your shack if there is interference.
Operating the amplifier at full power may not be necessary, as there is no perceptible difference in the
signal while the difference in power consumption and heating of the amplifier will be noticeable. For
example, the difference between 1500 Watts and 1300 Watts is only 0.63 dBm. However, the power
dissipation increases by 14 percent.
Hopefully recapping these points and others you may think of will help you to have many hours of worry-
free operation, avoiding those problems that arise by improper grounds and antennas that may not be well
matched to your system.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to the growing mercury family and my wish is that you all have
many happy DX’s.
Kenny (KM3KM)
Hello Fellow Ham Radio Operators:
Thank you for being part of the mercury family, I am so grateful that when KM3KM Electronics started to
manufacture amplifiers as kits over four years ago most of you saw the potential. The early struggles were
real as no one knew who we were; the original mercury was designed and built with the idea of providing
close friends an innovative solution to a need that was not being met by the larger companies.
Then came the mercuryI, followed by the mercuryII and the version the made our reputation in the business
-- the mercuryIIIS.
I am now humbled and proud to introduce you to the Mercury LUX, incorporating not only the next
technology evolution but requests as well from operators all over the world. Your petitions have been heard
. . . The mercury LUX boasts full legal limit, CAT Control, Remote operation with PC Control software,
and an expanded user interface, all in a smaller package.