User Manual

Chapter 2
Shooting Distant and Close-Up Pictures
To choose the setting:
1 Set the Mode dial to Capture .
2 Press the Close-Up/Distant button repeatedly until the appropriate
icon appears in the Status Display on top of the camera.
3 Press the Shutter button half-way to lock the auto-focus and exposure.
4 Press the Shutter button all the way down to take the picture.
Close-Up Pictures
Use the Close-Up setting to gain sharpness and detail in pictures at close
range. When the Close-Up setting is selected, Preview is turned on and the
camera automatically sets the focus distance depending on the zoom position:
Distant Pictures
Use the Distant setting to gain maximum sharpness of far away scenes.
With this setting, the camera uses a fixed, infinite focus.
Zoom position Close-Up focus distance
Wide Angle 2.8 to 27.6 inches (0.07 to 0.7 m)
Telephoto 9.8 to 27.6 inches (0.25 to 0.7 m)
Use the Close-Up/Distant button
very close or very far away.
to take pictures of scenes that are either