Owner's manual

DOKuStar Validation for Ascent Capture Page 20
These events will be fired when the field was deactivated. If the OnFieldDeactivating event is aborted, the
current field will remain active.
Private Sub fld_OnFieldDeactivated(ByVal Field As Field, ByVal NextField As Field)
The parameter Field is the field that becomes deactivated, where NextField is the field that will become activated.
Note that the old field contents will not be restored when the
OnFieldDeactivating event is aborted! The
OnFieldDeactivating event occurs after the OnFieldChanged event, so the changing of the value has
already taken place and cannot be taken back (see
Event Order below).
Subfield Events
Sub-fields (e.g. table cells) have their own activation and deactivation events: OnSubFieldActivating,
OnSubFieldActivated, OnSubFieldDeactivating and OnSubFieldDeactivated.
These events get the
Field (e.g. table), the Subfield (the cell), and the next (or previous respectively) sub-field as
Private Sub fld_OnSubFieldActivated(ByVal Field As Field, ByVal SubField As Field, ByVal
PreviousSubField As Field)
Private Sub fld_OnSubFieldDeactivated(ByVal Field As Field, ByVal SubField As Field, ByVal
NextSubField As Field)
Here, fld is expected to be set to the table field.
There is no ...
Changed event for sub-fields. This is unnecessary because every change in a sub-field will result in
OnFieldChanged event for the field itself, delivering both the field and the sub-field as parameters.