User guide

DOKuStar Validation Programming Manual Page 25
Dim doc As Document
Dim subdoc As Document
Dim imgDataSource As ImageDataSource
Dim fld As Field
Dim srcInfo As ImageSourceInfo
'*** add a document
Set doc = MyData.Documents.Add("Letter")
doc.Fields("Sender").Value = "Océ Document Technologies"
Set subdoc = doc.Documents.Add("CoveringLetter")
'* add a datasource (image) to the subdoc "CoveringLetter"
Set imgDataSource = MyData.DataSources.Add("dataset::ImageDataSource")
imgDataSource.FileName = App.Path & "\Source_1.tif"
subdoc.DataSources.Add imgDataSource
Set subdoc = doc.Documents.Add("Invoice")
subdoc.Fields("TotalAmount").Value = "100.00"
Set fld = subdoc.Fields("TotalAmount")
fld.Value = "547,47"
'* add two datasources (images) to the subdoc "Invoice"
Set imgDataSource = MyData.DataSources.Add("dataset::ImageDataSource")
imgDataSource.FileName = App.Path & "\Source_2.tif"
subdoc.DataSources.Add imgDataSource
Set imgDataSource = MyData.DataSources.Add("dataset::ImageDataSource")
imgDataSource.FileName = App.Path & "\Source_3.tif"
subdoc.DataSources.Add imgDataSource
'* add a sourceinfo
Set srcInfo = fld.CreateSourceInfo("dataset::ImageSourceInfo")
srcInfo.DataSource = imgDataSource
srcInfo.Zone.SetValue 1650, 2020, 100, 20
In this code, the first change is just convenience: What was previously in one statement, is now split up in two,
because we need the
fld variable later on. Also, the field’s value was changed to 547.47, because this is the
value that is really on the sample image.
The last lines are the really important ones: An
ImageSourceInfo object is created for the field; its
DataSource property is set to point to the third image, and its Zone property is set to the right zone (Left, Top,
Width, Height) on this image.
Remark: Don’t wonder where those coordinates in the example come from: I just tried out until they pointed to the
right place on the sample image...
This is the result: The zone is displayed in the full image, and the snippet window is filled with its contents.