Installation Guide

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
1. Whirlpool does not start
or stop.
A. No power to motor. A. Check that the pump and heater
are plugged in and that the GFCI
or RCD is switched to the correct
position. Plug in or reset the
GFCI/RCD as needed.
B. Air hose is loose or disconnected. B. Check that the hose is connected
at both the receiver/pump end
and to the air switch. Reconnect
if needed.
C. Air hose is pinched or kinked. C. Adjust hose to clear the
pinched/kinked area. If the
tubing is pinched/kinked and
cannot be readjusted, or no
noticeable pinch/kink is
apparent, poke a small hole in
the tubing with a tack and try
the system again.
D. Part(s) of the push button
assembly is/are damaged.
D. Replace the push button
E. Push button has grease in the
bleed area.
E. Disassemble the push button
assembly and wipe away any
excess grease. Reassemble the
button and retry the system.
F. Air hose is damaged. F. Replace the air hose.
G. Motor/pump does not work. G. Rebuild or replace motor/pump.
2. Motor starts, not all jets
are functioning.
A. Jet is closed. A. Rotate jet trim ring
counterclockwise to open.
B. Jet not installed correctly. B. Reinstall jet; check for O-ring
C. Jets are blocked. C. Remove blockage.
3. Whirlpool stops
automatically before 18
A. The GFCI or RCD trips. A. Identify source of fault, and
B. Suction blocked. B. Remove obstruction.
C. Jets are blocked. C. Remove blockage.
D. Motor overheated and protection
device activated.
D. Check for blockage at motor
vents. Remove blockage and
allow motor to cool.
Check for suction blockage.
Remove blockage and allow
motor to cool.
Check for jet blockage. Remove
blockage and allow motor to
4. Pump does not prime.
(Models with support
blocks only.)
A. Pump shimmed too high. A. Lower pump support bracket.
5. Noisy operation. A. Pump banding straps have not
been cut. (Models with support
blocks only.)
A. Cut pump banding straps with
tin snips.
B. Jet O-ring dislodged. B. Remove jet, replace and lubricate
O-ring, and reinstall jet.
6. Heater does not operate.
(“H” models only)
A. No power to heater. A. Reset the GFCI or RCD.
B. Water temperature exceeds 104°F
B. Allow water to cool and heater
will reengage.
C. Heater does not work. C. Replace heater.
1055820-2-C 16 Kohler Co.