
G4-270 (14RCA) 5 /2 1d
Fuel Requirements
Fuel System
Fuel types Natural Gas or LPG
Fuel supply inlet 1/2 NPT
Fuel supply pressure, kPa (in. H
Natural gas 1.2- 2.7 (5-11)
LP 1.7- 2.7 (7-11)
Fuel Composition Limits * Nat. Gas LPG
Methane, % by volume (minimum) 90 min.
Ethane, % by volume (maximum) 4.0 max.
Propane, % by volume 1.0 max. 85 min.
Propene, % by volume (maximum) 0.1 max. 5.0 max.
and higher, % by volume 0.3 max. 2.5 max.
Sulfur, ppm mass (maximum) 25 max.
Lower heating value,
), (minimum)
33.2 (890) 84.2 (2260)
* Contact your local distributor for suitability and rating derates based
on fuel compositions outside these limits.
Operation Requirements
Fuel Consumption, m
/hr. (cfh) @ 60Hz
% Load Natural Gas LPG
100 5.4 (193) 2.3 (81)
75 4.7 (163) 2.1 (75)
50 3.5 (124) 1.8 (60)
25 2.6 (93) 1.2 (45)
Exercise 1.7 (60) 0.8 (30)
Nominal fuel rating: Natural gas: 37 MJ/m
(1000 Btu/ft.
LPG: 93 MJ/m
(2500 Btu/ft.
LPG conversion factors: 8.58 ft.
= 1 lb.
0.535 m
= 1 kg
36.39 ft.
= 1 gal.
Generator Set Sound Data
Model 14RCA 8 point logarithmic average sound levels are
63 dB(A) during weekly engine exercise and 69 dB(A) during
full-speed generator diagnostics and normal operation.*
All sound levels are measured at 7 meters with no load.
* Lowest of 8 points measured around the generator. Sound levels at
other points around generator may vary depending on installation
RDC2 Controller
Voltage: 240 V
Freq: 60.0 Hz
The RDC2 controller provides integrated control for the
generator set, Kohler Model RXT transfer switch,
programmable interface module (PIM), and load shed kit.
RDC2 Controller Features
Membrane keypad:
OFF, AUTO, and RUN pushbuttons
Select and arrow buttons for access to system
configuration and adjustment menus
LED indicators for OFF, AUTO, and RUN modes
RDC2 Controller Features, Continued
LED indicators for utility power and generator set source
availability and ATS position (Model RXT transfer switch
LCD display:
Two lines x 16 characters per line
Backlit display with adjustable contrast for excellent
visibility in all lighting conditions
Scrolling system status display:
Generator set status
Voltage and frequency
Engine temperature
Oil pressure
Battery voltage
Engine runtime hours
Date and time displays
Smart engine cooldown senses engine temperature
Digital isochronous governor maintains steady-state speed at
all loads
Digital voltage regulation: ±1.0% RMS no-load to full-load
Automatic start with programmed cranking cycle
Programmable exerciser can be set to start automatically on
any future day and time, and run every week or every two
Exercise modes:
Unloaded weekly exercise with complete system
Unloaded full-speed exercise
Loaded full-speed exercise (Model RXT ATS required)
Front-access mini USB connector for SiteTech or USB
Utility connection
Integral Ethernet connector for Kohler OnCue Plus
Built-in 2.5 amp battery charger
Remote two-wire start/stop capability for optional connection
of a Model RDT transfer switch
Diagnostic messages: Displays diagnostic messages for the
engine, generator, Model RXT transfer switch, programmable
interface module (PIM), and load management device.
Maintenance reminders
System settings:
System voltage, frequency, and phase
Voltage adjustment
Measurement system, English or metric
ATS status (Model RXT ATS required):
Source availability
ATS position (normal/utility or emergency/generator)
Source voltage and frequency
ATS control (Model RXT ATS required):
Source voltage and frequency settings
Engine start time delay
Transfer time delays
Voltage calibration
Fixed pickup and dropout settings
Programmable Interface Module (PIM) status displays:
Input status (active/inactive)
Output status (active/inactive)
Load control menus:
Load status
Test function