Install Manual

TP-6906 6/1444 Section 3 Generator Reconnection
3.2 Four-Lead (Single-Phase)
Generator Sets
Figure 3-1 shows the factory connection for the single-
phase 120/240 V 60 Hz generator set. Four-lead,
single-phase models are not reconnectable.
Figure 3-1 Single-Phase Factory Connection,
120/240 V 60 Hz
3.3 12-Lead (Three-Phase)
Generator Sets
Three-phase, 12-lead generator sets are reconnectable
to the voltages and phases shown on the generator set
specification sheet. See Figure 3-2 and use the
following procedure to reconnect the generator to the
desired voltage configuration, change the system
voltage setting, and adjust the output voltage.
Note: Equipment damage. Verify that the voltage
ratings of the transfer switch, line circuit breakers,
and other accessories match the selected line
Reconnection Procedure
1. Press the OFF button on the RDC2 controller.
2. Disconnect engine starting battery, negative (--)
lead first.
3. Disconnect utility power to the generator set.
4. Select desired voltage connection. See Figure 3 -2.
Connect the leads according to the diagram for
desired phase and voltage.
5. Reconnect generator set engine starting battery,
negative (--) lead last.
6. Follow the instructions in Section 3 .4 to enter the
RDC2 Genset System menu. Check the system
voltage, frequency, and phase settings, and
change them if necessary.
7. Connect a digital multimeter (DVM) to the
generator set output.
8. Press RUN to start the generator set.
9. Use a voltmeter to check for the correct voltage
output from the generator set. Follow the
instructions in Section 3.5 to calibrate the voltage
on the RDC2 controller, if necessary.
10. Press OFF to stop the generator set.
11. Reconnect utility power to the generator set.
12. Press AUTO to place the generator set in
automatic mode.