Product Manual

TP-6905 7/1836 Section 3 RDC2 Controller Operation
3.6 Controller Menus
The following sections show the RDC2 controller menus
and submenus. Use the Select button and the up and
down arrow buttons to navigate the menus as shown in
the diagrams.
Note: Use caution when navigating the controller
menus. In some menus, pressing the Select
button can enable editing of the controller
settings. Changing the settings to incorrect
values can adversely affect generator set
operation or render the unit inoperable.
If a setting on the controller display is flashing, edit mode
has been enabled. Press the OFF or AUTObutton to exit
the edit mode.
3.7 Main Menu
Press the Select button once to bring up the main menu.
Overview is displayed. See Figure 3-7. Press the down
arrow button to step to the next menu, Engine Metering.
Use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to step up and
down through the menus shown in Figure 3-7.
The controller will exit the main menu after 5 minutes if
no buttons are pressed. To exit the main menu
immediately, press the controller’s OFF or AUTO
Overview ---->
1.2 h
Engine ---->
Genset ---->
Genset ---->
Run Time
D a t e -- -- >
and Time
ATS -- - ->
Configuration *
Genset ---->
Event Log---->
Load ---->
Control ]
PIM ---->
Status [
Network ---->
ATS -- - ->
* ATS Configuration appears only if a Model RXT transfer s witch is connected.
[ PIM S tatus appears only if a programmable interface module is connected.
] Load Control appears only if a load management device is connected.
Press the Up and Down arrow buttons
to move between menus.
Press OFF or AUTO to exit the menus.
Figure 3-7 RDC2 Main Menu