User's Manual

TP-5695 12/93 Scheduled Maintenance 3-9
Ignition System
Ignition System Service
The ignition system is transistorized and breakerless.
Under normal conditions, only the spark plugs need
service on a regular basis. The electronic ignition
module requires no maintenance and should giveyears
of trouble-free service. If a module problem is
suspected, have service performed by an authorized
service dealer/distributor.
Spark Plugs
At the recommended interval (shown in the service
schedule) service spark plugs.
1. Remove spark plug wires by grasping boot and
turning slightly while pulling. Do not pull wire. See
Figure 3-9.
wire or terminal.
2. Wherepossible, usecompressed airto removedirt
from around each spark plug before removal. This
procedurewillpreventdirtparticlesfrom falling into
combustion chamber. Loosen spark plug with a
prevent damage to spark plug. See Figure 3-10.
Remove spark plugs one at a time and examine.
See Figure 3-11 to evaluate engine conditions by
color/condition of spark plugs.
3. Cleanspark plugsbywiping with a ragandthenfile
the center electrode so that it is parallel to the side
electrode. Should replacement be necessary, see
Specifications for spark plug type.
Do not sandblast, wire brush, scrape, or otherwise
service spark plug in poor condition. Best results
are obtained with a new plug.
Figure 3-9. Removing Spark Plug Wires
1. 13/16 in. Spark Plug Socket
Figure 3-10. Removing Spark Plug