Product Manual

TP-6905 7/18 55Section 4 Scheduled Maintenance
Oil Change Procedure
Whenever possible, drain the oil while it is still warm.
1. Drain the oil.
a. Press the OFF button on the RDC2 generator
set controller.
b. Disconnect the power for the battery charger.
c. Disconnect the generator set engine starting
battery, negative (--) lead first.
d. Remove the housing side panel.
e. Remove the plug from the oil drain fitting and
install a drain hose.
f. Open the oil drain valve on the engine.
g. Allow time for the engine oil to drain completely.
h. Close the oil drain valve.
i. Replace the oil drain plug.
2. Replace the oil filter.
a. Remove the o il filter by rotating it
counterclockwise with an oil filter wrench.
b. Clean any surfaces that the oil filter contacts.
c. Apply a light coat of clean oil to the gasket of the
new oil filter.
d. Lightly thread the new oil filter by hand until you
feel resistance. Then, tighten the filter an
additional 3/4 turn with an oil filter wrench
[Torque = 25 Nm (18.4 ft. lbs.)].
3. Fill with oil. Use 5W-30 for oil selection and
Figure 4-2 for oil capacity.
Model Oil Capacity, L (qt.)
24RCL, 30RCL, and 38RCLB
4.2 (4.4)
Figure 4-2 Oil Capacity
4. Check for leaks.
a. Press the OFF button on the RDC2 generator
set controller.
b. Reconnect the generator set engine starting
battery, negative (--) lead last.
c. Reconnect the power for the battery charger.
d. Start the generator set and check for leaks
around the oil filter.
e. Stop the generator set and tighten the oil filter to
stop any leaks.
f. Reinstall the housing side panel.
5. Stop the generator set. Check the oil level. Add
oil, as necessary, to bring the level up to the Full
Note: Too high an oil level causes high oil
consumption and engine carbonizing. Too
low a level damages the engine.
6. Reset the maintenance timer on the RDC2.
a. In the Overview menu, step down to the Genset
Run Time menu.
b. Press the Select button and then step down to
the Next Maintenance screen.
c. Press the Select button.
d. Press the Up arrow button so that Reset Maint
Timer? Yes is displayed.