Product Manual

TP-7092 2/2124 Section 2 Generator Set Operation
Carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide can
cause severe nausea, fainting, or death. Install carbon
monoxide detectors on each level of any building adjacent to
the generator set. Locate the detectors to adequately warn the
building’s occupants of the presence of carbon monoxide.
Keep the detectors operational at all times. Periodically test
and replace the carbon monoxide detectors according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Hot surfaces.
Remind family members, children, and visitors to use
caution near the generator set. Generator sets
connected to automatic transfer switches will start
automatically during exercise periods and power
outages. Some generator components become hot
when the generator is running and remain hot for a time
after the generator set shuts down.
2.3.1 Local Starting and Stopping
Start: Press the RUN button to immediately start the
generator set.
Stop: Press the OFF button. The engine stops.
Run the generator set with no load for at least 2 minutes
to ensure adequate engine cooldown.
2.3.2 Automatic Operation
An automatic transfer switch monitors the utility power
and signals the generator set to start when utility power
is lost. The ATS then transfers the load to the generator
When utility power is restored, the transfer switch
transfers the load back to utility, runs the generator set
with no load to cool down the engine, and then stops the
generator set.
See Sections 2.3.7 and 2.3.8 for more information about
automatic operation.
2.3.3 Remote Starting and Stopping
A remote switch connected to terminals 3 and 4 can be
used to start and stop the generator set. Close the
switch to start and run the generator set. Open the
switch to stop the generator set.
Run the generator set with no load for at least 2 minutes
to ensure adequate engine cooldown.
2.3.4 Remote emergency Stop Switch
The generator set may be connected to an optional
remote emergency stop switch. See Figure 2-1. The
remote emergency stop switch may be mounted near
the generator set or in a remote location. If the
emergency stop button is activated, the controller
display will show Emerg Stop Shutdwn.
Emergency Stop Switch Operation
Press the red STOP button to shut down the
generator set in an emergency.
Using the emergency stop button bypasses the engine
cooldown cycle, stopping the engine immediately. The
controller emergency stop lamp lights (if equipped) and
the unit shuts down. The generator set cannot be
restarted until the emergency stop switch(es) is/are
The emergency stop button can be locked in the STOP
position. Insert a lock through two openings in the yellow
shroud to prevent the stop button from being pulled out.
See Figure 2-1. Remove the lock for normal operation.
A lock is not required in order to keep the switch
activated. The switch button will stay depressed until it is
pulled out by the operator.
Resetting the Emergency Stop Switch
To reset the E-stop switch, remove the locking device
and pull the button out. Reset the controller by pressing
the OFF/RESET button.
1. Two openings in the shroud for customer-provided lockout/
tagout device
2. Stop button
Figure 2-1 Emergency Stop Switch (optional)