
TT-1596 3/15 23
Fault Text Description Possible Causes
CfgModelNum The two generators which are intended to be
paralleled have different model numbers.
Incorrect configuration of one of the
generators. Different generator types.
The paralleled generator sets must be the
same kW model. (i.e. two 14RESAs, two
20RESAs, or one 20RESA and one
LossOfComm2 The Primary controller has lost communication with the
secondary controller. (A secondary controller was
detected, then communication was lost.)
RBUS disconnected, secondary controller
battery disconnected, updating firmware in
secondary controller, or intermittent RBUS
CfgSysVolt The system voltage of the two generators intended to
be paralleled is not the same. Because the system
does not know which voltage is correct, the generators
will not be allowed to start.
One of the two generators is incorrectly
Intermittent connections on RBUS network
LossOfComAPM The Automatic Paralleling Module has stopped
communicating on RBUS. (An APM was detected on
the RBUS network but is no longer communicating.)
APM is unplugged.
Primary controller is powered down.
Check the battery connections. See
previous page for more information.
Intermittent connections on RBUS network
wiring. Check RBUS communication
SyncFailure The generator has been attempting to synchronize for
over 2 minutes without success.
Generator is hunting (fuel system).
Advanced speed control settings need
Load is changing frequently to disturb the
online generator.
MeteringOk The Generator has verified that the metering is
connected correctly and that the direction is consistent
with expected power direction.
Status message indicates that the CT is
connected to the generator correctly.
NoCurrent The generator has applied load (using the other
generator) and has observed no current on the power
sensing inputs.
The CT is not connected to the controller.
The output leads from the generator do
not go through the CT in the correct
direction. See Figure 5.
ErraticSig The Power metering on this controller gives a signal
that is not consistent with the system configuration.
Reversing the power direction does not resolve the
the controller.
ChkngMeter This generator has paralleled to the other generator
and is verifying that the metering is connected and
establishing the connection direction.
Status message appears the first time the
two generators are paralleled.
MeterUnknown This generator does not know if the metering is
connected or the orientation of the connection. This
means that the generators can’t share load accurately
until this information is known.
System commissioning and startup not yet
complete. See Section 4.
ConNotDeterm APM connection auto-discovery is not complete. This
means that the generator does not know which
contactor is connected to it.
Generators not yet started in RUN with
other generator in OFF. See Section 4.4,
perform the auto-discovery procedure.
ConChecking Performing APM connection auto-discovery. This generator has started in RUN, the
other generator is in OFF.
ConCheckFail Failure to Auto-Discover APM connections. Wires 9A and 9B crossed between the
Wires 9A or 9B not connected
ContactorOk Successful auto-discovery of APM connections. Auto-discovery was activated by placing
other generator in OFF and this generator
in RUN.