Installation Guide

Thank You For Choosing Kohler Company
We appreciate your commitment to Kohler quality. Please take a few
minutes to review this manual before you start installation. If you
encounter any installation or performance problems, please don’t
hesitate to contact us. Our phone numbers and website are listed on
the back cover. Thanks again for choosing Kohler Company.
Tools and Materials
Before You Begin
Observe all local plumbing and building codes.
Shut off the main water supply.
Carefully inspect the waste and supply tubing for any sign of
Replace waste or supply tubing if necessary.
For new installations, install the faucet before installing the
Kohler Co. reserves the right to make revisions in the design of
faucets without notice, as specified in the Price Book.
Plumbers Putty
Sealant Tape
Heavy Duty Pipe
Sealant with Teflon
1002628-2-P 2 Kohler Co.