Owner's Manual

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
H. Bleed hole in the
diaphragm is
plugged or debris
exists on the seal.
H. Remove the spout
body. Clean or replace
the diaphragm.
I. Wires are pinched
or damaged.
I. Check the wires for
damage. Verify the
wires are tucked inside
the spout. Replace the
assembly with damaged
wires if needed.
J. There is a loose
J. Check the solenoid
and sensor connections.
Confirm the arrows are
aligned and connections
are secure.
K. There is water
leaking internally.
K. Determine the cause
of the leak. Check for
corrosion on
connections. Inspect the
valve O-ring for
damage. Replace if
needed. Clean the
terminals. Replace
damaged parts.
L. Solenoid is not
L. Install a new
solenoid service kit.
3. Low flow. A. Filter is plugged. A. Clean or replace the
B. Supply pressure is
B. Check incoming
water pressure. Pressure
should be at least 20 psi
(137 kPa).
C. Aerator is
C. Remove the aerator
and clean it. For
deposits, soak the
aerator plastic insert in
a 50:50 mixture of
vinegar and water. Soak
only the insert and no
other components.
1244026-5-A 12 Kohler Co.