Marketing Materials

e Artist Editions
line features a number of bathroom sinks that are crafted from natural materials using methods that have
been passed down for generations. Honoring the inherent beauty and potential of the materials, Kohler designers and artisans
create one-of-a-kind works of art for the home.
A substance that seems as visionary as it
is rooted in daily life, glass has a versatile,
uid nature that lends itself to artistic
expression. Cast, spun or pressed – our
glass sinks are crafted by our own small
team of artisans in Kohler, Wisconsin.
With a precision that rivals watchmaking
and a process that can take days, these
glassmakers heat, pour and cool glass to
capture the right form and texture, color
and translucency, shaping basins that
range from smooth and sculptural to
intricate and patterned.
Widely used aboard ships because of
its strength and resistance to salt water,
bronze is a tting choice for a bathroom
sink. We work with highly skilled
craftspeople to transfer each incredibly
detailed pattern from mold to casting.
Depending on the patterns complexity,
it may take days simply to fabricate
the casting. Each sink is smoothed and
polished to a burnished living nish that
deepens with character over time. When
the bronze patina has achieved exactly
the look you want, a light coat of wax
will slow the color change.
White Carrara marble carries a sense
of ancient architectural grandeur and
exquisite artistry. We’ve chosen this
iconic stone for our Botticelli
and Purist
Wading Pool
sinks because
of its strength and beautiful coloring.
We begin by hand-selecting quarried
marble with a rich, subtle character that
will come to life in the simplicity of our
designs. Milled and hand-nished,
each sink embodies a unique story of
time and place. We strive to honor that
history with unembellished forms and
meticulous craftsmanship.
Yellow Black Magenta Cyan
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