Material Safety Data Sheet
Kohler Cast Iron Kitchen Sink Cleaner
Revision Date: 7/1/11
Emergency Telephone Number: 1-800-688-4005
8. Exposure Controls
Respiratory Protection: Not normally needed when product is used in adequately ventilated areas. A NIOSH approved respirator is
recommended for chemically sensitive individuals.
Eye Protection: None normally needed, though safety glasses with side shields or splash goggles are recommended if product will be
handled in a manner that could result in eye contact.
Skin Protection: Not normally needed, though chemical protective gloves (e.g., rubber, nitrile) are recommended for sensitive individuals.
Other Protective Equipment: Fresh water source (hose, eye wash or safety shower) in work area is recommended.
Engineering Controls: Good general ventilation.
9. Physical And Chemical Properties
Chemical Family: Aqueous suspension Appearance: Flowable blue paste Odor: Apple scent
pH (undiluted): 8.5 9.5 Freezing Point: 32°F Boiling Point: 212°F
Solubility in Water: Miscible Specific Gravity: 1.08 1.14 Wt. % Volatile: 75 - 80
10. Stability And Reactivity
Stability: Stable. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Materials to Avoid: None known.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition can produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other carbon
byproducts of combustion.
Conditions to Avoid: Freezing, excessive heat, open flame, use above 140°F.
11. Disposal Considerations
Dispose unused material and empty containers in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Do not re-use empty containers for
other purposes. Do not dump concentrated product into sewers, on the ground or into any body of water.
12. Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not specifically tested, but ecotoxicity should be low under normal use conditions.
Environmental Fate: Water-soluble ingredients will biodegrade. Silica component is essentially inert.
Bioaccumulation: Not expected to bioaccumulate.
13. Transport Information
U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT): Non-Hazardous, Non-Regulated Marine Pollutant: No
Proper Shipping Name: Non-Regulated, No Dangerous Cargo UN/NA ID: Non-Regulated, No Dangerous Cargo
14. Regulatory Information
TSCA: Components required to be listed under TSCA are shown in Section 2.
SARA Title 3, Sections 311, 312, and 313: No components of this product are subject to reporting under these regulations.
California Proposition 65: The State of California lists crystalline silica (respirable size particles) as known to cause cancer or reproductive
Reportable Quantities of CERCLA Hazardous Substances: Not listed.
14. Footnotes and Other Information
* This exposure limit is for the respirable-sized particles.
15. Disclaimer
This material safety data sheet relates only to the specific information contained and does not relate to other materials or processes. The data contained
herein was obtained from the manufacturer and is believed to be reliable, correct, current, and presented in good faith. However, because the conditions of
use are outside Kohler Co.’s control, it should not be taken as a warranty or representation, expressed or implied, for which Kohler Co. or agents acting on
Kohler Co.’s behalf, assumes legal responsibility. This information is provided solely for your consideration, investigation, and verification. Kohler Co. disclaims
any liability against infringement of any patent through customer use of any product or process in combination with other materials or processes.
NOTE: Specifications and government regulations may change without notice. This Document should not be regarded as legal advice or regulation. For
questions relating to specific aspects of the requirements and regulations, please ask the proper regulatory agency. Always check with your local government
or transporter.