Installation & Assembly

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
9. Steam menu
after requesting
A. Cables between the
steam generator(s)
and adapter are
A1. Reinstall the black
and/or white cable(s)
between the steam
generator(s) and
adapter according to
the instructions in
the installation
A2. Call the Customer
Care Center using
the information
provided on the back
page of this manual.
10. Display does
not show
steam function.
A. Inadequate power
is supplied to the
steam generator
(green status light
on steam generator
is off).
A1. Provide proper
power to the steam
generator. Use the
provided test kit, if
necessary, to ensure
the steam generator
is working properly.
A2. Call the Customer
Care Center using
the information
provided on the back
page of this manual.
B. The adaptor is
damaged (green
status light on
steam generator is
B1. Use the provided test
kit and instructions
to identify the source
of the problem.
B2. Call the Customer
Care Center using
the information
provided on the back
page of this manual.
11. Water from
steam head.
A. Normal operation. A1. A small amount of
water discharged
from the steam head
just before, during,
and just after steam
use is normal.
1235393-2-C 18 Kohler Co.