User's Manual

JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 9 SESS: 3 OUTPUT: Thu Jul 17 13:54:55 2008
Troubleshooting (cont.)
Valve Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
D. If none of the recommended
actions for the above issues
correct the symptom, the valve
requires servicing.
D. Contact your Kohler Co.
Authorized Service Representative.
7. Water leaking from the
CAUTION: Risk of
personal injury or
product damage. Turn off
the main power and
water supply.
A. Connections are not secure. A. Check all connections. Make
adjustments as needed.
B. Seals are worn or damaged. B. Order a seal service pack and
replace all seals.
C. Internal leak. C. Unit requires overhaul. Contact
your Kohler Co. authorized service
8. Hot water only, the valve
shuts down.
A. Hot and cold lines are reversed. A. Switch hot and cold water supply
connections. Verify the hot water
supply is connected to the inlet
marked H and the cold water
supply is connected to the inlet
marked C.
Music Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
1. Bath transducers do not
produce sound.
A. Transducer cables are not
connected properly.
A. Make sure the cables are properly
installed into the Media Module
connections and to the bath
2. After playing music
loudly, the music stops
even though a song is
properly selected.
A. Thermal shut down. A. Shut down the system for 1 hour to
allow the unit to cool. Make sure
the area where the unit is installed
does not exceed 104°F (40°C).
3. Library menu is not
A. The Roku agreement was
A. Enter the settings menu, select
System, select Music Software,
select Roku Agreement and select
4. Music server is not
A. Wireless connection out of
A1. Move router closer or install a
wireless access point.
A2. Connect via Ethernet cable.
B. Wireless network is not
configured properly.
B. Enter the settings menu, select
System, select WiFi Security,
select Network Name, select
WEP/WPA Key and enter the
security key.
C. The network cable is not
connected to the correct
router/switch input.
C. Connect the Media Module to the
router’s/switch’s Ethernet ports.
D. A compatible media server is
not installed/running on your
home computer.
D. Install/open one of the supported
media servers such as Firefly
Media Server, iTunes
, Microsoft
Media Connect,
RhapsodyTM, Yahoo! or
on your computer
and load your favorite music into
the server’s library.
E. The media server on your home
computer is not configured to
share files.
E. Reference the media server’s help
menu to properly configure file
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