User's Manual

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
B. Damaged
transducer wires.
B. The bath has six
transducers with
cables that are
attached. Inspect the
six transducers for
frayed, cut, or loose
wires. Contact Kohler
Customer Service for
C. Transducer is
missing, loose, or
not attached.
C. If any one of the six
transducers is
missing, loose, or not
attached to the bath,
contact Kohler
Customer Service for
2. The music
stops even
though a song
is properly
selected, and
the status
indicator light
is blinking
A. Thermal shut
A. Shut down the
system for one hour
to allow the unit to
cool. Make sure the
area where the unit
is installed does not
exceed 104°F (40°C).
Restart the system.
The LED status
indicator should be
solid blue.
B. Amplifier error. B. Call Kohler
Customer Service if
the amplifier LED
status indicator is
blinking yellow after
the system has been
3. The status LED
is not
A. Power supply is
not plugged into
the outlet.
A. Plug the power
supply into the
B. Power supply
connection to the
amplifier is loose
or disconnected.
B. Check power supply
connection to the
amplifier and
reconnect if needed.
1298482-2-A 10 Kohler Co.