Product Card

DEC4000, ergonomic and user-friendly
APM802 dedicated to power plant management
The new APM802 command/control system is specifically
designed for operating and monitoring power plants for
markets including hospitals, data centres, banks, the oil and
gas sector, industries, IPP, rental and mining.
The Human Machine Interface, designed in collaboration
with a company specialising in interface design, facilitates
operations with a large 100% touch screen. The pre-
configured system for power plant applications features a
brand new customisation function which complies with the
international standard IEC 61131-3. New communication
functions (PLC and regulation), improve the high level of
equipment availability in the installation.
Dedicated to power plant management.
Specially researched ergonomics.
High level of equipment availability.
Modularity and long service life guaranteed.
Making it easy to extend the installation
For more information, please refer to the sales
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GBD5-06003 (KV400C2) 03/17
The highly versatile DEC4000 control unit is complex
yet accessible, thanks to the particular attention paid to
optimising its ergonomics and ease of use. With its large
display screen, buttons and scroll wheel,
it places the
accent on simplicity and communication.
The DEC4000 offers the following functions:
Electrical measurements: voltmeter, frequency meter,
Engine parameters: working hours counter, oil pressure,
coolant temperature, fuel level, engine speed, battery
Alarms and faults: oil pressure, coolant temperature, failure
to start, overspeed, alternator min./max., battery voltage
min./max., emergency stop, fuel level.
Ergonomics: wheel for navigating
around the various
Communication: remote control and operation software,
USB connections, PC connection.
For more information on the product and its options, please
refer to the sales documentation.