RXT Transfer Switch Manual

TP-6807 1/1624 Section 2 Installation
7. RBUS connections: Connect the controller
interface connection to A, B, PWR, and COM on
terminal block P10 on the interface/load
management board See Figure 2-16 and
Figure 2-18. The RBUS connections to the
generator set controller are the same for the
standard interface board and the combined board.
See Section 2.6 for interface connection
Note: Use separate conduit for the low-voltage
controller communication leads and the load
connection wiring.
Note: Refer to the wiring diagrams in Section 6.
8. Connect the CT leads to connector TB1 on the
interface/load management circuit board. Extend
the leads, if necessary, using customer-supplied
wiring. See Figure 2-18 and/or the wiring diagram
in Section 6 for the connector location.
9. Note the load priorities shown in Figure 2-19.
Priority 1 is considered the most critical and will add
first and shed last. Priority 6 is considered the least
critical and will add last and shed first.
Connect the customer-provided load relays to
terminal block TB2 for Loads A, B, C, and D. See
Figure 2-17 for the connections. See Section 2.7.1
for the recommended relay specifications.
Note: The combination of four load relay outputs
cannot exceed 10 amps total current draw.
10. Connect 120 VAC power to TB2 connections AC1
and N. See Figure 2-17. Connect 120 VAC line
voltage to terminal AC1. Connect the neutral to N.
The power to this circuit must be backed up by the
generator set and not be part of a sheddable circuit.
11. Verify that the jumper is installed across P11--2 and
P11--3 on the combined interface board. See
Figure 2-18.
1. Combined interface / load management board inside the
Figure 2-16 Typical Interface Board Location
Figure 2-17 Power Relay Circuit on the Combined
Interface/Load Management Board