User manual

KH 6777
14. Playing audio-CDs
Proceed in the following manner to play audio-CDs on the
DVD Player …
1 Switch on the television to which the DVD Player is con-
2 Ensure that the DVD Player has been switched on and is
ready for operation.
If the television, the DVD Player and other units that may
be connected (e.g. an audio unit) ,are all switched on and
operational, eBench” and the “DVD-Video logo will ap-
pear on the television screen:
“NoDisc” will appear on the television screen and on the
display on the front of the DVD Player if there is no disc
in the disc drawer of the DVD Player.
3 Open the disc draw on the front of the DVD Player by
pressing the “Open/Close”
button once on the front
panel of the DVD Player, or on the remote control. “Open
will then appear on the display on the front of the DVD
Player and on the television screen.
4 Place an audio-CD, label facing upwards, in the disc
5 Press once again the “Open/Close”
button on the front
of the DVD Player or on the remote control to close the
disc drawer. “Close” will then appear on the display on
the front of the DVD Player and on the television screen
while the disc drawer is closing.
6 The contents of the audio-CD will then be loaded; this
will take several seconds. “Load” will ash on the display
on the front of the DVD Player, and “Loading” will be dis-
played on the television screen.
7 As soon as the contents of the inserted audio-CD has
been loaded, the display on the front of the DVD Player
will briey indicate the following …
The total number of titles on the loaded audio-CD
The total playing time of the titles on the loaded audio-
8 Audio-CD playback then commences automatically. The
following is faded in on the television screen …
1 2 3 4
The symbols and for playback mode
The number of the currently played title
Time played hitherto in hours, minutes and seconds
. Functions while playing an audio-CD
The following DVD Player functions can be used while an
audio-CD is being played …
Stopping playback (Pause)
Proceed in the following manner to stop a title on the loaded
audio-CD …
1 Press once the “Pause/Step button on the front of the
DVD Player or on the remote control while the title is be-
ing played. will ash on the display on the front of the
DVD Player, and will be displayed on the television
2 Press the “Play button once to continue playback of
the title.
IB_KH6777_EN 23.09.2003, 0:56 Uhr34