Owner manual

C353P 1-8
1.5 Miscellaneous
Password Rules
According to certain Password Rules, registration of a password consisting of a string of a single character
or change of a password to one consisting of a string of a single character is rejected for the Administrator
Password, Public User Box Password, Secure Print Password, HDD Lock Password, and Encryption Key.
For the Administrator Password, HDD Lock Password, and Encryption Key, the same password as that cur-
rently set is not accepted.
Study the following table for more details of the number of digits and characters that can be used for each
Note that use of the characters "
" "+," and "space" may be partly limited.
Precautions for Use of Various Types of Applications
When PageScope Web Connection or an application of various other types is used, the password control
function of the application stores the password that has been entered in your PC. If you want the password
not stored, disable the password control function of the application.
When using the PageScope Web Connection or an application of various other types, use one that shows "*"
or "" for the password entered.
If the client PC uses the Internet Explorer or other type of web browser, "SSL v3" or "TLS v1" should be used,
not "SSL v2", for the SSL setting.
Encrypting communications
The following are the cryptographic algorithms of key exchange and communications encryption systems
supported in generation of encryption keys.
Types of passwords No. of digits Characters
Administrator Password 8 digits Numeric characters: 0 to 9
Alpha characters: upper and lower case letters
Symbols: !, #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [,
\, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~
Selectable from among a total of 92 characters
Secure Print Password Numeric characters: 0 to 9
Alpha characters: upper and lower case letters
Symbols: !, #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [,
\, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~, SPACE
Selectable from among a total of 93 characters
HDD Lock Password 20 digits Numeric characters: 0 to 9
Alpha characters: upper and lower case letters
Symbols: !, #, $, %, &, ', *, +, -, ., /, =, ?, @, ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~
Selectable from among a total of 83 characters
Encryption Key
Public User Box Password 8 digits Numeric characters: 0 to 9
Alpha characters: upper and lower case letters
Symbols: !, #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [,
\, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~, ", +, SPACE
Selectable from among a total of 95 characters
SNMP Password
8 digits or more Numeric characters: 0 to 9
Alpha characters: upper and lower case letters
Symbols: !, #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [,
], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~, ", +
Selectable from among a total of 93 characters