Users Manual

Maintenance and inspection items
Spring connector
If foreign material has adhered to the spring con-
nectors of the AeroDR Battery Charger2, and wired
cable, remove it with a commercial plastic brush.
AeroDR Battery Charger2
Spring connector
Wired cable
Spring connector
Wired connection connector
If foreign material has adhered to the wired connec-
tion connectors of the DR Detector and AeroDR UF
Cable, remove it with a commercial plastic brush.
DR Detector
Wired connection connector
AeroDR UF Cable
Wired connection connector
AeroDR Battery Charger
Clean dust on the insert table of the AeroDR Battery
Charger with a soft lint-free cloth dampened with an-
hydrous ethanol or water and wrung well.
DR Detector insert table (side)
DR Detector insert table (front)
AeroDR Battery Charger2
Clean dust on the insert table of the AeroDR Battery
Charger2 with a soft lint-free cloth dampened with
anhydrous ethanol or water and wrung well.
DR Detector insert table