Users Manual

Operation of DR Detector
You cannot select 4.0, 6.7 and 10.3 as the maximum expo-
sure time for the following DR Detectors.
DR Detector
Serial Number
First four digits Number
AeroDR 1417HQ A5DP 50197 or less
AeroDR 1417S A50D 51000 or less
AeroDR 1717HQ A6C3 51000 or less
AeroDR 1012HQ A5TE 51000 or less
If you increase the maximum exposure time in AeroDR De-
tector and AeroDR 2 Detector, the DR Detector may take
longer to exit sleep mode.
When the maximum exposure time of the AeroDR 3 Detec-
tor is set at 10.3, the interval between exposures should be
2 minutes or longer. The following exposures also require
2 minutes intervals.
The maximum exposure time is as follows.
DR Detector maximum exposure time
AeroDR Detector,
AeroDR 2 Detector
0.7, 1.7, 3.2, 4.0, 6.7, 10.3 sec-
AeroDR 3 Detector 0.7, 1.7, 4.0, 10.3 seconds
The exposure time for actual exposures should not
exceed the maximum exposure time you have set.
Otherwise, exposure may fail or correct images may
not be able to be obtained.
Use the image processing controller to set the maximum
exposure time. In some cases, the maximum exposure time
is xed according to the X-ray device. For details, contact
Konica Minolta technical representatives.
When using ImagePilot as the image processing controller,
it is not possible to change the maximum exposure time.
Exposure time for Aero Sync mode of
If the conditions are not met, X-rays may not be detected or
streaks may occur in the image.
Because the minimum exposure time for AeroDR 1417HQ,
AeroDR 1717HQ, and AeroDR 1012HQ varies depending
on the X-ray device to be used, follow the survey results at
the time of installation.
The minimum exposure time applies to the time when X-
ray is exposed onto the center of the DR Detector. If X-ray
cannot be exposed onto the center, contact Konica Minolta
technical representatives.
Set the maximum exposure time to 0.8 seconds or
Set the minimum exposure time as follows:
DR Detector
Minimum expo-
sure time
AeroDR 1417HQ, AeroDR
1717HQ, AeroDR 1012HQ
2.1 milliseconds
AeroDR 2 Detector 1 millisecond
When using ImagePilot as the image processing controller,
it is not possible to change the maximum exposure time.