User Manual

Parameter Guide
TIMBRE2: The output of timbre 2 will be input to the modulator.
GATE.SENS (Gate Sensitivity) .................................................. [000...127]
Specifies the speed at which the gate will operate according to the
“THRESHLD” setting.
Lower values for this setting will make the gate close more quickly, causing
the vocoder sound to decay more quickly.
Higher values for this setting will make the gate close more gradually, caus-
ing the vocoder sound to have a longer decay.
If the “THRESHLD” value is high, this effect will apply more readily. If the
threshold value is 0, there will be no effect.
THRESHLD (Threshold)........................................................... [000...127]
Sets the level at which the input source will be cut. By setting this to an
appropriate level, you can cut the noise that might be present during times
where there is no input. Higher settings will make it more likely that the
input source will be cut.
With excessively high settings, it’
s more likely that the audio input
signal itself will be cut, making it difficult for you to apply the vocoder
fect as intended.
HPF GATE ...................................................................[DISABLE, ENABLE]
The microKORG XL+’s vocoder can extract the high-frequency portion
from the audio source being input to the modulator, and then mix this into
the output of the vocoder. You can specify whether this high-frequency por-
tion will be mixed in only while the internal sound generator (Timbre1) is
producing sound, or at all times.
DISABLE: The high-frequency portion will be mixed whenever the audio
source is being input to the modulator.
ENABLE: The high-frequency portion of the audio source will be mixed
only when the internal sound generator (Timbre1) is producing sound.
HPF LVL (HPF Level)............................................................... [000...127]
This adjusts the output level from the HPF (High Pass Filter) that extracts
the high-frequency components from the modulator input source; these
high-frequency components are then mixed into the output of the vocoder.
Increase this value if you want to emphasize the consonants of the vocal
input source.
VC FILT (Vocoder Filter)
Here you can adjust the settings for the carriers sixteen band-pass filters
and modulator’s envelope filter. You’ll be using these parameters fre-
quently, since they play an important role in determining the character of
the vocoder.
FRMNT.SFT (Formant Shift) ..................................................... [–2…+2]
Shifts the cutoff frequencies of each of the carrier’s band pass filters. This
will significantly change the character of the vocoder output.
FC.OFFSET (Fc Offset).............................................................[–63...+63]
This continuously shifts the cutoff frequency of each band-pass filter (Syn-
thesis filter) of the carrier.
Cutoff (the range in which BPF 8 will change)
Formant Shift:+2
Cutoff (the range in which BPF 8 will change)
When “FRMNT.SFT”=0 and “FC.OFFSET”=0, the response of the carrier fil-
ters will match the cutoff frequency of the modulator filters. The filter
response is shifted upward or downward in two discrete steps by the
“FRMNT.SFT.” This can be adjusted upward or downward a total of another
two steps by using “FC.OFFSET,” giving you a total of four steps of adjust-
ment upward or downward.
Parameter Guide