User Manual

Cuto Velocity [0%...100%]
Species how the velocity (keyboard playing dynamics) will aect the cuto
frequency, allowing louder notes to appear brighter, etc.
0%: Velocity will not aect the cuto frequency.
50%: Velocity will aect the cuto frequency, but at only half the amount pro-
duced at 100%.
100%: Playing the keys harder will increase the cuto frequency, while playing
the keys softer will decrease the cuto frequency.
Amp Velocity [0...127]
Amp Velocity is used to specify how much the volume will change according
to the keyboard velocity.
0: The velocity will not aect the volume.
The larger the value, the more eect that keyboard velocity will have on volume.
Program Level [−25...+25]
Program Level allows you to adjust the volume of a Program relative to other
Increasing this value will make the volume louder.
You can create a Program Name up to 12 characters in length.
Rotate the PROGRAM/VALUE knob to select the desired character, then press
buon 1 to move the cursor to the next position.
Button 11 (INITIALIZE)
This buon initializes the current Program.
Turn the PROGRAM/VALUE knob until “Press WRITE” is indicated in the dis-
play. The WRITE buon will blink.
Press the WRITE buon to initialize the Program. The display will indicate the
message “Initialized”.