
Monotron Duo
Synthesizer structure: 2
square wave VCOs with
cross-modulation, 1 VCF.
Output: VCO1 or VCO1+2.
Four ribbon modes:
chromatic, major, minor
and continuous.
Controls: VCO1 Pitch,
X-MOD Intensity, VCO2
Pitch, VCF Cutoff, VCF Peak.
Built-in speaker and 1/8”
stereo headphone output.
1/8” stereo auxiliary input
120 x 72 x 28 mm
95g (without batteries)
Monotron Delay
Synthesizer structure:
1 VCO (reverse sawtooth
wave), 1 VCF, 1 LFO
(triangle or square waves),
analogue style (digital)
delay circuit
Output: VCO1 or VCO1+2
Four ribbon modes:
chromatic, major, minor
and continuous
Controls: LFO rate, LFO
intensity, VCF cutoff, delay
time, delay feedback
Built-in speaker and 1/8”
stereo headphone output.
1/8” stereo auxiliary input
120 x 72 x 28 mm
95g (without batteries)
Korg Montron Duo and Delay | Reviews
not in the sense that the audio
output of VCO1 modulates VCO2, but
that higher settings for VCO1 will also
increase the pitch range of VCO2.
If all this sounds a little confusing,
fear not. The bottom line is that, just
like the original, you don’t really need
to know how the Duo works in order to
coax some great sounds out of it. With
VCO2 pitch at lower settings,
cross-modulation makes the sound get
edgy and slightly atonal. Crank VCO2
up and it gets brighter and more
cutting. To add to the sonic range, the
classic MS fi lter section from the
original Monotron is still present,
sculpting the tone from mellow subby
basslines to ear-splitting leads. As a
pure synthesis tool, the Duo is
signi cantly more versatile than the
original Monotron.
Of course, all this comes at a price.
The Duo loses the original Monotron’s
LFO and with it the ability to modulate
oscillator pitch or fi lter cutoff. VCO2
can be tuned down below the audio
frequency range for LFO-style pitch
modulation, but
the wave shape
and the fact that
it tracks the
keyboard make it
sound quite
different to the
original. Likewise,
the auxiliary input
is still present in order to process any
signal through the fi lter, but given that
the Duo has no LFO you might be
better off with the original Monotron if
this is a priority.
FX-y beast
The Monotron Delay’s name should
immediately give away its unique
selling point. The main attraction here
is that Korg have crammed a small but
perfectly formed delay circuit into the
Monotron’s case, but there are a
number of other small changes. The
VCO produces the same reverse
sawtooth wave as the original
Monotron, but the LFO now offers a
square wave in addition to the original
model’s standard triangle. The LFO is
used to modulate VCO pitch and can’t
control fi lter cutoff.
The four-octave range of the ribbon
means that the Delay is practically
Back in the days before
sample packs and widely
available FX collections,
producers had to create
their own FX from scratch.
Practically any analogue
synth could be called into
action, but Jamaican Dub
Reggae producers went a
step further, building their
own ‘dub sirens’ using
cheap oscillators and
LFOs, then running the
sounds through fat spring
reverbs and tape delays to
create mad blasts of FX.
In many ways, the
Monotron Duo has all the
classic hallmarks of a
great dub siren: a basic
oscillator, LFO pitch
modulation and a gritty
analogue-sounding delay
capable of producing a
spring-like reverb sound at
short delay times. Its
four-octave ribbon range
makes it impractical for
melodies but perfect for
oscillator sweeps. Even if
you don’t fancy the idea
of running your own
carnival sound system,
the Delay is an absolute
monster for FX, sweeps,
bleeps and crazy
never-ending echoes.
Song to the Siren
As a pure synthesis tool, the Duo is
signi cantly more versatile than the
original Monotron
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The Duo is all about
the cross-modulation,
inspired by Korg’s
classic early ’80s
Mono/Poly synth. The
sound is totally
different to the
original Monotron
Korg have included
the ribbon modes
introduced on the
Monotribe, making it
easy to hit the right
note. This is the best
Monotron yet for
That classic MS
low-pass fi lter is still
present with its
resonance control
intact. The only
downside is there’s
no LFO in the Duo to
modulate it with
Ribbon Controller
MS Filter
Cheap and cheerful Dub
delays are very possible
with the Monotron Delay
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