Quick Start Guide

Playing the Sounds |41
Factory, User, Direct
Across the pages, you will find words like Factory, User, Direct. These
terms refer to the type of protection from writing, or how much you can
customize them.
Factory (Keyboard Sets, Sounds, Styles, Pads, Voice and Guitar
Presets) are elements that you cannot normally overwrite or modi-
fy. They are meant to warrant that musical resources (like SongBook
Entries) will always find linked musical resources (like Styles).
User (Keyboard Sets, Sounds, Styles, Pads, Voice and Guitar Presets)
are elements that you can write, modify or overwrite. User Style banks
(the side tabs) can be freely renamed to create your own categories.
Direct (Keyboard Sets, Styles, Pads, SongBook Entries, Voice and
Guitar Presets) are User elements that you can directly access from
a storage device.