Quick Start Guide

Playing the Styles |59
As an alternative, press again the STYLE SELECT button.
2 Touch the name of the Style you want to choose.
3 If you want to close the Style Select window (and it does not close by itself),
press the EXIT button.
In the end, you will see the name of the selected Style in the dedicated area
of the main screen.
Letting Styles choose the Keyboard Sounds
Choosing a Style might automatically choose Keyboard Sounds. This de-
pends on the STYLE TO KBD SET indicator (KBD SET = Keyboard Set).
SET indicator
Off Styles do not select a Keyboard Set.
On When choosing a Style, Keyboard Set 1 is automatically selected.
Blinking Choosing a Variation automatically recalls the corresponding
Keyboard Set (1 – 4) inside the Style. For example, choose Variation 2,
and Keyboard Set 2 will be automatically recalled; choose Variation 3,
and Keyboard Set 3 will be automatically recalled.