Quick Start Guide

Playing the Songs |87
Playing all the Songs in a folder
You can play all the Songs in a folder with a single command.
Open the Song Select window from the control panel
Press the SELECT button.
Open the Song Select window from the display
Touch the name of the Song in the display.
Select the folder containing the Songs to play
1 Browse through the files, until you find the folder containing the Songs to
play, and open it.
2 Touch the Play All button to pre-select all the Songs in the folder.
A Jukebox file will be automatically generated and assigned to the Player.
The order in which the Songs will be played back will depend on how they
appear in the Song Select window.
Play the list of Songs
3 Start and stop the Songs by pressing the PLAY/STOP (
) button.
4 Use the standard PLAYER controls to play, pause, stop, fast forward and
rewind the Songs.
Move through the Songs
Jump to the next Song in the list by keeping the SHIFT button pressed and
pressing the FAST FORWARD (
) button.
Jump to the previous Song by keeping the SHIFT button pressed and press-
ing the REWIND (
) button.
Press the HOME (
) button to go back to the beginning of the current Song.