Operation Manual

502| Audio In/Out and the Voice Processor
Choosing the audio outputs for the Drum families
Drum Kits can be treated as ordinary tracks/Sounds, or as sets of separate
percussive sounds that can be routed to different audio outputs.
Drum Kits treated as ordinary tracks
You can send the Drum Kit to an audio output (or output pair) as an ordinary
track. All Drum families will be sent to the output chosen for the track the
Drum Kit is assigned to.
Go to the Global > Audio & Video > Drum/Metro page, and choose the Drum
Kit Output > As Track option.
Drum Kits treated as separate Drum families
Each Drum family can be sent to a separate audio output (or output pair).
This is useful if you want, for example, separately send the bass drum to an
external compressor and sub-bass amplifier.
1 Go to the Global > Audio & Video > Drum/Metro page, and choose the Drum
Kit Output > As Drum Family option.
2 Use the parameters in the Drum Kit Family section to choose a separate
output (or output pair) for each percussive family of instruments.