Operation Manual

Effect parameters |735
This effect applies the timbral character of a different signal (the modulator)
to the input signal (the carrier).
A common use of this effect is to produce the sound of various instruments
by inputting a voice to the Modulator via a microphone. A special effect is
also achieved by using rhythm or effect sounds. Strings or distortion guitar
sounds with a lot of harmonics are suitable as Carrier signals.
When this effect is selected, the microphone input no longer goes to the
Voice Processor, but is routed to this FX processor.
FX Amt
FX Amt
FX Amt = 100: Stereo In - Mono Out / FX Amt = 0: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Band Pass Filter
Carrier Trim
Modulator Trim
Modulator High Mix
Noise Level
FX Control BUS 1
FX Control BUS 2
Modulator Source
Modulator Select
a Carrier Trim 0...100 Sets the carrier input level
b Modulator Trim 0...100 Sets the modulator input level
c Modulator
Input, FX Control
1, FX Control 2
Choose either FX Control 1 or 2 to select the micro-
phone input as the modulator.
Choose FX Control 1 for the Left Line input, or FX
Control 2 for the Right Line input.
Choose Input to use the Sound as the modulator. If
you want to use the keyboard as the modulator, ap-
ply the Vocoder effect to one of the Upper Sounds.
d Modulator
L/R Mix, L Only,
R Only
Selects whether to use the left/right mix, only left,
or only right of the modulator input
e Formant Shift –2...+2 Sets the height of the frequency for the vocoder ef-
f Response 0...100 Sets the speed of the response to the modulator
g Noise Level 0...100 Sets the noise mix level to the Carrier
Src Off...Tempo Selects the modulation source for the noise mix
Amt –100...+100 Sets the modulation amount for the noise mix level
h Modulator High
0...100 Sets the high-range output level of the modulator