
Style Play mode
Volume panel
Normal (grouped Style tracks, Keyboard tracks) and the Style
Tracks view (separate Style tracks).
Normal view
In Normal view you can see the grouped Style tracks (Play/Mute
only), and the separate controls for the Keyboard tracks:
Grouped Style tracks
In the Normal view, Style tracks are grouped together (Dr/Perc,
Accomp, Bass groups), to allow for instant play/mute of several
tracks at the same time.
Changing the volume of the grouped Style tracks can be done (as
a general control) in the Global mode > Mode Preferences >
Style page (see “Style Tracks Global Volume” on page 253).
Keyboard tracks
Here you can separately control the volume and play/mute status
of each Keyboard track.
Style Tracks view
Press the TRACK SELECT button to switch from the Normal
view to the Style Tracks view. In this view, individual Style tracks
are shown in the lower half of the display, while the upper half of
the main page changes to show parameters for the selected Style
Press TRACK SELECT again to return to the Normal view (Key-
board tracks, grouped Style tracks, Mic/In controls).
Style tracks Volume
Here you can change the volume and play/mute status of each
one of the individual Style tracks.
Original Style Sounds
This parameter lets you decide if the Style has to play the Sounds
saved in the Performance or Style Settings, or the ones saved in
each Style Element.
Note: When assigning a Sound to a Style track, the “Original Style
Sounds” parameter is automatically turned off to allow its use.
Note: This parameter can be saved with the Performance or Style
On Style tracks always use the original Sounds
recorded inside each Style Element. If you assign
a different Sound to a Style track, this parameter
is automatically set to Off.
Off You can assign different Sounds to each Style
track, and save them in a Performance or Style
Settings. The selected Sounds remain the same
for all Style Elements. These Sounds can be saved
into a Performance or Style Settings with the
“Write Performance” or “Write Current Style Set-
tings” commands (see page 127). Assigned
Sounds are shown in the Sounds area of this page.
Selected Track Info area
This line lets you see the Sound assigned to the selected track. It
appears both in the main page, and in several edit pages.
Track Description
Normal View
(*).Volume for these grouped tracks is a global offset, that can be adjusted in
the Global > Mode Preferences > Style page.
Grouped Drum and Percussion tracks.
Grouped Accompaniment tracks (Acc1-5).
Grouped Bass Style track.
LOWER Lower track.
UPPER1…3 Upper tracks.
Style Tracks View
DRUM Drum Style track.
PERC Percussion Style track.
BASS Bass Style track.
ACC1…5 Accompaniment Style tracks.
Grouped Style tracks
Keyboard tracks
Grouped Style Tracks
info area
Style tracks Volume
Track name
Sound name
Sound bank
Program Change sequence