
Front Panel
Y Move the joystick backward, to trigger the func-
tion assigned in Sound mode.
Volume Controls
Use these knobs to control the
master volume, and to balance
between the Keyboard and the
Style or the Song.
This knob controls the overall volume of the instrument, both of the
integrated speakers, the AUDIO OUT and the PHONES outputs. It
also controls the volume of the AUDIO IN inputs in the final mix.
While in Style Play and Song Play mode, this knob usually bal-
ances the volume of the Keyboard (KBD) tracks against the Style
(ACC, Accompaniment), Song and Pad tracks. This is a relative
control, whose effective maximum value is determined by the
MASTER VOLUME knob position.
When moved, a magnified version of a virtual slider appears in
the display, for more accurate adjustment.
It can be programmed to work as the volume control for the
Accompaniment/Song tracks only, leaving the Keyboard tracks
unchanged (in the Controllers > Hand Controllers page of the
Global mode).
Note: This does not work in the Sequencer and Sound modes.
Assignable Knob
Freely assignable knob, that can be programmed in
the Global > Controllers > Hand Controllers page.