
Start up
Connecting the AC power cord
Connecting the AC power cord
Connect the supplied power cord to the
dedicated socket on the rear of the instru-
ment. Then, plug it into a wall socket. You
don’t need to worry about the local volt-
age, since the Pa900 uses a universal
power adapter.
When the cable is connected to the power, the instrument auto-
matically enters standby mode.
Turning the instrument on (or in standby)
Press the STANDBY button on the front panel to let
the instrument exit standby. The display will light
up, showing the boot procedure.
Note: When the instrument exits standby, User PCM
Samples used by some User Sounds may be automati-
cally loaded. Loading them may take some time.
Keep the STANDBY button pressed for about one second to let
the instrument enter standby.
Wa r ni ng : When putting the instrument in standby, all data con-
tained in RAM (Song recorded or edited in Sequencer mode, the
Chord Sequence, Samples in edit and not yet saved) will be lost.
MIDI Grooves generated by the Time Slice function will be lost,
On the contrary, data contained in the internal memory (Factory
data, User Sounds, Performances, Styles and Multisamples) will be
preserved. Saved Samples will be preserved as well.
Controlling the Volume
Master Volume
Use the MASTER VOLUME knob to control the
overall volume of the instrument. This knob con-
trols the volume of the sound going to the inte-
grated speakers, the AUDIO OUT and PHONES
Note: Begin at a moderate level, then raise the MASTER VOL-
UME up. Don’t keep the volume at an uncomfortable level for too
Keyboard, Style Accompaniment and Song
By default, the BALANCE knob balances
the volume of the Keyboard (KBD) tracks,
against the Styles Accompaniment (ACC),
Song and Pad tracks.
When in Style Play mode, this knob
balances between the Keyboard tracks, and the Style and
Pad tracks.
When in Song Play mode, this knob balances between the
Keyboard tracks, and the Player and Pad tracks.
This is a relative control, whose effective maximum level is
determined by the MASTER VOLUME knob position.
When moved, a magnified version of the virtual slider appears in
the display, for more accurate positioning.
As an alternative, the knob can be used to control the Style/Song
Volume without affecting the Keyboard tracks (choose the
desired behavior by editing the “Balance Control” parameter in
the Global > Controllers > Hand Control page).
Note: This knob only works in Style Play and Song Play mode; it
does not work in Sequencer mode.
The X-Fader slider
The X-FADER slider sets the relative volume of the two onboard
players (Player 1 and Player 2).
Move it fully to the left to set Player 1 to the maximum level
and Player 2 to zero.
Move it fully to the right to set Player 1 to zero and Player 2
to the maximum level.
Move it to the center to set both Players at the same level.
This slider also selects the Harmony source, as well as the Lyrics,
Score and Markers of one of the two players.
Connect a pair of headphones to the PHONES output, on the left side
of the keyboard (under the joystick). You can use headphones with an
impedance of 16-200 Ohms (50 Ohms suggested). Use a headphone
splitter to connect more than one pair of headphones.
Note: When connecting the headphones, the speakers are automat-
ically deactivated.
Start up