
Song Play
Mixing two Songs
Mixing two Songs
You can select two Songs at the same time, and mix them by using the X-FADER slider.
1 Touch the Player 1 area to open the Song Select window and select the Song to be
played by Player 1. Touch Select to confirm.
2 Once a Song is assigned to Player 1, touch the Player 2 area once to select it, and a sec-
ond time to open the Song Select window. Select a Song to be assigned to Player 2, and
touch Select to confirm.
3 Keep the SHIFT button pressed, and press any of the two (PLAY/STOP) buttons, to
start both Players at the same time.
Hint: You don’t need to
start both players at the
same time. You can start the
first Song – then start the sec-
ond one when the first one is
near to the end. This way, you
can use the X-FADER slider to
gently crossfade between the
end of one Song and the
beginning of the following
4 During playback, move the X-Fader, to mix between the two Songs.
5 During playback, you may control each Player separately, by using the dedicated
Player controls.
6 Press the relevant (PLAY/STOP) button to stop the corresponding Player.