User's Manual

Tips and tricks and features
We included a user installable grill with your monitors. While most producers/mixer prefer a
monitor to have exposed drivers, there are some instances where having a grill is important or
If you want to use the grills, you can have confidence that they will not affect the sound of the V
Series. Because of the design of the grill, for all intents and purposes, there is no change in
frequency response from grill to no grill. So if you just like how they look with the grills on, feel free
to use them. To see how they look with the grills on before you install them, you can go here.
But they are really included for high traffic situations to the protection of your monitor’s drivers.
For instance, in mobile recording trucks or studios with a lot of foot traffic. You can use them in
your home studio to protect them from little pokey fingers. Use them if you bring your own V
Series with you as you go to different studios to protect them while you travel. Because the
tweeter is much more fragile than the woofer, if you just want to protect the tweeter you can cut
the grill and just use the section that covers the tweeter only.
To install the grill, simply unscrew the 6 cap-head screws from the brushed aluminum faceplate and
then attach the grill with the included screws to the aluminum baffle and then replace the brushed
aluminum faceplate.
Built in stabilizer
EVA foam cushion on the bottom and the cast-aluminum front gives the V Series what is in essence
a monitor stabilizer built in. This aids in reducing the recoil of the woofer when playing music. It
adds punch and clarity because when the woofer moves, it doesn’t lose energy due to cabinet
movement. The foam keeps the monitor in place and isolates the monitor from your desk.
Input sensitivity
+4 vs -10 uses. Input sensitivity is not volume. Our amplifier runs wide open and then you adjust
how “hard” you hit it with input sensitivity, also known as a pad. The -0.5dB increments of up to
-3dB cut on the Input sensitivity adjustment on the back of the unit is for level matching with your
other monitors.
Running at +4 is “quieter” than -10. -10 hits the amp a lot harder so it is perceived as “louder”. But
in essence this is incorrect. All you are doing is reducing your headroom and dynamic range. The
bigger issue is that you will have a much worse signal-to-noise ratio running at -10, again, because
the amp is wide open and you are now putting more gain in front of it. So, because of all of that,
the more “pro” way to run the monitors is at -4 for almost all situations. You will have way less
“hiss” coming from the amp. You will have more headroom and dynamic range and that will make
your music and mixes feel better and more “open” as you work.
So, when would you want to use -10? Well, we ship in -10 because in the store, we battle the
“volume” wars at the retail store. Some associates in the store will a/b and put a 155 watt, 115
dBSPL V6 in +4 next to a 98 watt, 107dBSPL Rokit 6 running at -10 (volume all the way up) and
declare that the V6 is not as loud as the Rokit 6. But in actuality, using your volume interface, if you
turned the Rokit up as loud as it could go before hitting the limiter and then switch to the “quieter
V6 and continued to turn up the volume of your source, you will get way louder with the V6 before
hitting the limiter. We must be prepared to win that war in the store by shipping it in -10. Also, you
could run it at -10 if you don’t have a way to run two different sets of monitors in your studio from
two separate volume knobs. If your other monitors don’t have a way to bring them back down to a
matching volume with your Vs then you can use -10 and the -3dB input sensitivity adjustment to
level match your two sets of monitors.
Universal threaded mounting bracket points are on each model to use with wall mounting