User's Manual

OPTIWAVE 1010 09/2014 - 4003537401 - MA OPTIWAVE 1010 R01 en
Sensor Microwave
The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter.
Sensor Memory
The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter.
Sensor Voltage
The device's hardware is defective. Do a check of the power supply at the device terminals.
Make sure that voltage values are in the specified
limits in menu item 2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC (Configuration
mode / Supervisor menu). If the voltage is correct,
replace the signal converter.
Sensor Not
The software version of the sensor is not
compatible with the software version of
the signal converter.
Go to menu 1.1.0 IDENT. in Configuration mode.
Record the version numbers of the device software
given in menu items 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4. Give this
data to the supplier.
Defective wiring.
Out of specification (NE 107 status signal)
Temperature Out
of Range
The ambient temperature is outside the
given range. This can cause loss or
corruption of data.
Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the
device until the ambient temperature is back in the
given range. If the temperature does not stay in the
correct range, make sure that there is insulation
around the signal converter. If this error occurs 2
times, replace the device.
Overfill The level is in the blocking distance.
There is a risk that the product will
overflow and/or cover the device.
Remove some of the product until the level is below the
blocking distance.
Peak Lost The signal peak is not found within the
measuring window that filters the
signals received by the antenna. The
measurement is not correct. The device
will automatically increase this window
to find the correct signal.
Do a check of the device, tank and the process and
make sure that the data agrees with the device
configuration. If necessary, record a new empty
spectrum. Follow the instructions on page . If
necessary, speak to the supplier.
Maintenance (NE 107 status signal)
Empty Spectrum
The empty spectrum stored in the device
does not agree with the installation. If
you change the device configuration
(tank height etc.), this message will be
shown. The recorded empty spectrum
will not be used by the device while this
error message is shown.
Record a new empty spectrum. Follow the instructions
on page .
Signal Weak The signal amplitude is less than the
average value. This can occur if the
liquid is agitated or if there is foam in the
tank. If this error occurs frequently, the
device will possibly show the "Peak Lost
(Level Lost)" error message. 1
If this error occurs frequently, it is possible that you
must install the device in a stilling well or use a
different antenna type.
Signal Strong This error can occur if there is a large
change in signal amplitude. 1
No corrective action is necessary.
Bad Measurement
The measurement is incorrect and
continues to be incorrect after more
than 10 s. This error can occur if the
tank contents are immediately below the
antenna. 1
Record the process with the PACTware software tool
to find the cause of the problem. If necessary, speak to
the supplier.
<-35°C/ -31°F
The process connection or the ambient
temperaure is less than -35°C/ -31°F.
This temperature is near to the
minimum limit for device operation.
Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the
device until the ambient temperature is back in the
given range. If the temperature does not stay in the
correct range, make sure that there is insulation
around the signal converter.
Error Message Cause Corrective action