User Manual

OPTIWAVE 7400-24 C
www.krohne.com12/2015 - 4003518001 - MA OPTIWAVE7400-24-R01-en
Stilling wells: horizontal cylindrical tanks
We recommend that you install the device in a stilling well if the device:
is for a horizontal cylindrical tank,
is in a metallic tank,
measures a product with a high dielectric constant and
is on the centerline of the tank.
Figure 3-13: Floating roofs
1 Sediment
2 Support fixtures
3 Stilling well
4 Floating roof
5 Product
6 Tank
Figure 3-14: Horizontal cylindrical tanks
1 The device is installed without a stilling well. There are multiple reflections. Refer to the CAUTION! that follows.
2 The device is installed in a stilling well and measures correctly.