User Manual

OPTIWAVE 7400-24 C
www.krohne.com12/2015 - 4003518001 - MA OPTIWAVE7400-24-R01-en
Signal Weak 4 The signal amplitude is less
than the average value. This can
occur if the liquid is agitated or
if there is foam in the tank. If
this error occurs frequently, the
device will possibly show the
"Peak Lost (Level Lost)" error
message. 1
If this error occurs frequently, it
is possible that you must install
the device in a stilling well or
use a different antenna type.
Signal Strong 4 This error can occur if there is a
large change in signal
amplitude. 1
No corrective action is
Bad Measurement
4 The measurement is incorrect
and continues to be incorrect
after more than 10 s. This error
can occur if the tank contents
are immediately below the
antenna. 1
Record the process with the
PACTware software tool to
find the cause of the problem. If
necessary, speak to the
Temperature <-
35°C/ -31°F
3 The process connection or the
ambient temperature is less
than -35°C/ -31°F. This
temperature is near to the
minimum limit for device
operation. 1
Measure the ambient
temperature. De-energize the
device until the ambient
temperature is back in the given
range. If the temperature does
not stay in the correct range,
make sure that there is
insulation around the signal
>+75°C / +167°F
3 The ambient temperature is
more than +75°C / +167°F. This
temperature is near to the
maximum limit for device
Measure the ambient
temperature. De-energize the
device until the ambient
temperature is back in the given
range. If the temperature does
not stay in the correct range,
make sure that there is
insulation around the signal
1 This error message does not have an effect on the current output signal
Error Message Status marker
Cause Corrective action