User Manual

OPTIWAVE 7400-24 C
www.krohne.com12/2015 - 4003518001 - MA OPTIWAVE7400-24-R01-en
7.7.2 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned device
7.8 Disposal
To avoid any risk for our service personel, this form has to be accessible from outside of the
packaging with the returned device.
Company: Address:
Department: Name:
Tel. no.: Fax no. and/or Email address:
Manufacturer's order no. or serial no.:
The device has been operated with the following medium:
This medium is: radioactive
We checked that all cavities in the device are free from such substances.
We have flushed out and neutralized all cavities in the device.
We hereby confirm that there is no risk to persons or the environment through any residual media contained in the
device when it is returned.
Date: Signature:
Disposal must be carried out in accordance with legislation applicable in your country.
Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:
Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:
Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:
According to the directive 2012/19/EU, the monitoring and control instruments marked with the
WEEE symbol and reaching their end-of-life must not be disposed of with other waste
must not be disposed of with other wastemust not be disposed of with other waste
must not be disposed of with other waste.
The user must dispose of the WEEE to a designated collection point for the recycling of WEEE or
send them back to our local organisation or authorised representative.