User Manual

OPTIWAVE 7400-24 C
www.krohne.com12/2015 - 4003518001 - MA OPTIWAVE7400-24-R01-en
1.5 Radio approvals
1.5.1 European Union (EU)
This level transmitter is approved to be used outside metallic tanks. If you use the device
outdoors, read the device nameplate to make sure that the device can be used for your
application. Only the antennas that follow are permitted for open-air applications:
LPR (Level Probing Radar)
LPR (Level Probing Radar)LPR (Level Probing Radar)
LPR (Level Probing Radar) equipment are devices for the measurement of level in the open air
or in a closed space (a metallic tank etc.). TLPR (Tank Llevel Probing Radar)
TLPR (Tank Llevel Probing Radar)TLPR (Tank Llevel Probing Radar)
TLPR (Tank Llevel Probing Radar) equipment are
devices for the measurement of level in a closed space only. You can use LPR devices for TLPR
applications. The LPR and TLPR devices meet the requirements of the R&TTE (Radio Equipment
and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment) Directive for use in the member countries of the
For more data about the order code, refer to Order code on page 122
Figure 1-1: Radio approval information on the nameplate
1 Type code (defined in order)
2 HVIN (Hardware Version Identification Number). This number gives the radar signal frequency (24G = 24 GHz), the lo-
cation of the device (TLPR or LPR) and the type of signal converter (compact (C))
TLPR device: HVIN: 244G-TLPR-C
LPR device: HVIN: 24G-LPR-C
3 CE sign