User Manual

OPTIWAVE 7400-24 C
www.krohne.com12/2015 - 4004901901 - MA OPTIWAVE7400-24 R01 fr
6.3 Configuration mode
6.3.1 General notes
Change the settings of your device in Configuration
Configuration mode. Data about the menus is given on page
60. You can:
Use the 1.0.0 INFORMATION
1.0.0 INFORMATION menu to read settings, device software versions and error
records. For more data about the Information menu, refer to Table 1: Info.
Use the 2.0.0 SUPERVISOR
2.0.0 SUPERVISOR menu to commission the device, to run diagnostic tests, set up a
conversion table for volume, mass or flow rate measurement, change critical parameters for
difficult process conditions, reset the device and change basic parameters (tank height etc.),
output settings, HART Address etc. For more data about the Supervisor menu, refer to Table
2: Supervisor.
6.3.2 How to get access to the commissioning menu
The Quick Setup menu contains the menu items that are necessary for most configurations of
the device. The menu items are divided into 2 groups: "Commisioning" and "Recording Empty
Spectrum". The "Commisioning" group lets the supervisor set the tank height, tank type
(process, storage etc.), output function, output current range, 4 mA output setting, 20 mA output
setting, error delay and tag name. "Recording Empty Spectrum" is a procedure that finds
interference signals in the tank and uses a filter to remove them from the measurement data.
Do the steps that follow:
Push the [>
>] button.
i This shows the Information
Information menu. The Information
Information menu is read only and does not have
password security.
Push the [
] button one time to scroll up to the Supervisor
Supervisor menu.
i The screen shows the text "2.0.0 SUPERVISOR".
Push the [>
>] button one time.
i The screen shows a line. You must enter the password. Push the buttons under the display
screen 6 times (in total and in a given order) to get access to Configuration mode.
Type in the password. The factory-set password is [>
>], [^
^], [
], [
], [>
>] and [^
i The device shows the text "2.1.0 QUICK SETUP".
OUTPUT I (mA) The current output of the device. mA
OUTPUT I (%) The percentage of the current output.
0% = 4 mA. 100% = 20 mA.
Measurement type Description Available units
The quick setup (commissioning) procedure is mandatory.
It is not possible to enter the 3.0.0 SERVICE and 4.0.0 MASTER menus. These menus are for
factory calibration and approved personnel only.