User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Edit Settings
6. Server Name: The IP address (the default value or the fully
qualified domain name of the Web host server that you are connecting to.
Enter the same IP address that you enter in the host application (on the Device
Configuration page, select Communication Settings > Communication
Settings tab).
7. Tenant Identifier: Enter the tenant identifier.
8. Port: Enter the same Port number that you enter in the host application (on the
Device Configuration page, select Communication Settings >
Communication Settings tab). The default value is 443 (SSL).
9. HTTPS: Indicate whether HTTPS is enabled. Choose the same setting that
you specify in the host application (on the Device Configuration page, select
Communication Settings > Communication Settings tab).
10. Tap Save Settings.
IPV4 Configuration
Important considerations for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Use a DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses to devices (see step 4, in
the procedure that follows). Before you complete the communication settings for
the device, note the following:
Ensure that your DHCP server complies with the minimum requirements of
the DHCP RFC2132 standard to supply an IP address, subnet mask setting,
and default gateway setting.
Do not configure InTouch DX devices to use DHCP on a network that does
not support DHCP. Otherwise, each device performs an address request every
five seconds for an indefinite period. These requests can adversely affect
network performance.
To change the IP address of a device that uses DHCP: Change the address on
the network; assign the address to the device; and then remove the address
from the DHCP pool so that another device cannot use it.
If you remove a device that uses DHCP, you can reuse its former IP address.