User's Guide

Table Of Contents
View Reports
This report is available only for InTouch DX devices that include a biometric
validation device. The report displays statistics about the biometric activity at the
device, including:
The number of templates that are stored in the biometric device. If a single
employee enrolls both a primary and a secondary finger, the device counts
them as two templates.
The maximum number of templates that the device can hold, and the current
number of templates.
The number of successful finger scan images.
The number of times that the device could not associate a template with the
badge ID of an employee.
The number of firmware and hardware errors associated with the device.
Note: The number of event occurrences are cumulative totals. You cannot reset
the totals or report on specific time spans.
1. Tap View Reports.
2. Tap Biometric.
Biometric Templates
This report displays a list of some or all of the biometric templates that are stored
in the biometric device.
1. Tap View Reports.
2. Tap Biometric Templates.
3. Do one of the following:
–To view all of the templates, tap All. Go to step 6.
–To view only templates that have low scores or other problems, tap
Problem. Continue to the next step.